The Wright Family Foundation has made a 13-year commitment worth more than $1.4 million to the I Have A Dream programme, funding support of 100 students from four low-decile schools from Year 3 until the age of 20.
The I Have A Dream Charitable Trust is a ground-breaking long-term programme inspiring Kiwi kids growing up in material hardship to navigate their own path to academic and life success. Its aim is to create positive role models who add value to their communities.
The Wright Family Foundation's major investment will allow the programme to provide long-term support for an entire Year-level of children in four Northland schools over 13 years. The foundation's support will fund resources and the salary of a full-time I Have A Dream Navigator who will coach and guide this group of children until they are aged 20.
The foundation shares I Have A Dream's belief that every child has potential. The programme's mission is to help uncover and develop that child's dream and unique capabilities.